Custom Email

An unfiltered way to get your message into the hands of our engaged readers interested in your products and solutions. We deliver your message directly to the inboxes of distributors, contractors or facility cleaning managers.

Email Circulation:

Sanitary Maintenance - 16,000 Distributors
Contracting Profits - 16,000 Building Service Contractors
Facility Cleaning Decisions - 30,000 Facility Cleaning Managers
Whole Industry - 62,000

See Ad Specs Submission Guidelines


A proven content marketing vehicle which delivers great value. How else could you get 30 minutes of live, undivided attention with potential customers to present your thought-leadership message?

In addition to getting the FastCast benefits and the exclusive database of registrants, we put together the creative and get your message in front of this key audience. All FastCasts include a customized, dynamic marketing blitz which we develop and run for you. This high-impact digital marketing consists of e-Newsletter ads, various website ads and dedicated emails.

The marketing campaign exposure and leads/database alone have a value of $13,000. You will be hard pressed to find better ROI than this.

As a sponsor, you get:

  • Sole-sponsored, custom content—you choose your topic. We'll assist in copy review, slide generation and provide experience and expertise to assure a successful event.
  • You select speaker/presenter
  • Presentation is 30 minutes, prompting cleaning decision makers to continue the dialogue after the event.
  • Exclusive branding on promo emails during the two weeks prior to the webcast.
  • Promote to your prospect list (optional)
  • Your logo appears on screen throughout the presentation
  • You get the exclusive database of registrants and attendees—email address, name, title, company, city/state, phone
  • You get the FastCast to post on your website and use in your sales and marketing efforts.
  • 60-day topic exclusivity (30 days before and 30 days after)
See Ad Specs Submission Guidelines
Email Sample

Prospect Nurturing Campaign

Our Nurturing Campaign moves prospects down the sales funnel based on their responses to a series of your messages delivered directly to decision makers' inboxes: distributors, contractors and/or facility cleaning managers. This three-part email campaign consists of multiple deployments. If the receiver responds to your first message, we “drip” them down the funnel to a second, more focused message with additional information. If the receiver does not respond to the first email, we send it again with a slightly modified subject line. All who respond to the second round of emails get a third message with more specific information or you may want to offer a content asset to capture them as a lead.

When the three-part campaign is finished, you will get the contact information (postal/phone) of everyone who clicked on any of the emails and a breakdown of which emails they clicked on for lead scoring.

The three-part campaign:

Day 1:
Send all: Creative 1 / Subject line 1

Day 3:
Send openers: Creative 2 / Subject Line 2
Send non openers: Creative 1 / Subject Line 4

Day 6
Send all previous openers: Creative 3 / Subject Line 3

Total creatives: 3
Total subject lines: 4


Phase 1:

Subject: The robotics revolution and your cleaning business
Creative »

Phase 2:

For openers of 1:
Subject: Find out if your cleaning operations are a good fit for robotic cleaning machines
Creative »

For non-openers of 1:
Subject: Are robotic cleaning machines right for your business?
Creative: repeats phase 1

Phase 3:

Subject: Best practices for selecting equipment and partners for new job start-ups
Creative »

Email Circulation:

Sanitary Maintenance - 10,000 Distributors
Contracting Profits - 10,000 Building Service Contractors
Facility Cleaning Decisions - 29,000 Facility Cleaning Managers

See Ad Specs Submission Guidelines

Distributor Choice Award Winner Email

Tout your award-winning product to 16,000 distributors. Let them know that their peers names your product among the industry's best. Send us your materials and we'll assemble a dedicated email for you.

Email Circulation:

16,000 Distributors

See Ad Specs Submission Guidelines

Sponsored Content Email

Put the power of our exclusive editorial content to work for you with a Sponsored Content Email. Our experienced editorial team has already crafted enticing articles that are sure to pique the interest of readers with purchasing power. You get to handpick the perfect contextual content for your brand to be a part of, ensuring maximum relevance and engagement with potential customers.

It's easy. All you have to do is send us your text, images and your landing page URL. We take care of everything else, assembling an attention-grabbing email ad that follows best practices, tailored to your specific needs.

When you send out your ad to our targeted audience, your brand will enjoy unparalleled visibility, as it will be seen by every single person who opens the email. Plus, with no competition from other brands, your message will stand out and make a lasting impression on potential buyers.

Email Circulation:

Sanitary Maintenance - 16,000 Distributors

Contracting Profits - 16,000 Building Service Contractors

Facility Cleaning Decisions - 30,000 Facility Cleaning Managers

See Ad Specs Submission Guidelines