Top 5

Exhibiting at the ISSA Show isn't cheap. With thousands of dollars at stake, it's important to make this show a success. We've put together the top 5 ways to get the most out of this year's show.

1. Advertise in Sanitary Maintenance's September Issue

This is the ISSA Show issue sent to 13,500 distributors before the show PLUS bonus distribution at the show.

2. ISSA Product Express Email

This is a great way to build booth traffic. We send your email to 62,000 industry professionals before the show. It includes your logo, booth number, sales message, photo, and links to your site.

3. ISSA Show Daily eNewsletter

Emailed every day of the show to 62,000 cleaning industry professionals. It's the perfect way to cut through the show clutter and make sure you are top of mind with the attendees.  

4. Custom Email

Your message is exclusively delivered to the inboxes of industry decision makers. Schedule your email to deploy before the show when attendees are planning their booth visits. 

5. CleanLink Insider eNewsletter

Run your ad in our popular daily newsletter. You can target distributors, BSCs, facility managers or all three at once. It's a proven way to capture attention and generate leads before the show.

These opportunities are very limited and when they're gone, they're gone. Let's take a few minutes today or tomorrow to see which of these is best for you. Click here to see my calendar and to schedule a quick meeting.

Jeff Blodgett
414.228.7701 x313

NOTE: We are certified to offer CEUs to attendees.
