What is it? Roundtables are moderated discussions that focus on key industry issues. Sponsors actively participate in the discussion and address questions from Distributors, BSCs and in-house cleaning managers who are attending.
How does it work? It's simple. Subject matter experts and sponsors (THAT'S YOU) lead a discussion on how to create an engaged and productive workforce
What makes it special? Lots of interaction! Distributors, BSCs and facility cleaning managers actively engage with you and the subject matter experts, asking questions, sharing opinions, and breaking into small groups for more detailed conversations.
This is a quick, easy way for you to connect with key decision makers and position your company as an industry leader.
- Make a personal connection with buyers
- Build brand awareness
- Stake out a leadership position
- Contact information of all participants - name, postal address, email and phone
Act now - Only 3 sponsorships available. Deadline is June 10th.
Click here to see my calendar and to schedule a meeting to discuss how this benefits you.
-- Rob Geissler
414.228.7701 ext. 416