What is it? An online discussion about the future of the cleaning profession and how best to achieve the goals of creating clean spaces. The moderated discussion focuses on participation and questions from the audience to address key issues.
How does it work? Subject matter experts and sponsors (THAT'S YOU) lead a a discussion on incorporating automation and robotics into cleaning systems and processes and how to use IoT technology to get a clear picture of high-traffic and high-touch areas.
What makes it special? Interaction! Distributors, BSCs and facility cleaning managers actively engage with you and the subject matter experts, asking questions, swapping opinions, and breaking into small groups for more detailed conversations.
This is a quick, easy way for you to connect with key decision makers and position your company as an industry leader.
Don't wait. Only 3 sponsorships available. Close date is February 1st.
Call me and I'll walk you through the details.
-- Jeff Blodgett
414.228.7701 x313