You're invited to help Sanitary Maintenance magazine select the top products in the cleaning industry.
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You can help us determine the best products in the industry. It's easy. You choose three products that are the most popular for you. Make your picks on whatever reason is important to you: bestselling, most preferred, most recommended, most innovative, customer favorites, etc.
We've received a lot of product entries and know you don't have time to read them all. So we created a product category ballot for you. Rank your three favorite products in order. It takes a minute to vote.
Your vote matters. It helps us determine the 12 winners of the 2021 Distributor Choice Award.
Once you've voted, you'll be entered in a drawing for a $100 Visa gift card!
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Thank you for voting.
Corinne Zudonyi
Sanitary Maintenance
P.S. Watch for our June issue to see if your selections were winners.