The award-winning Sanitary Maintenance is the original publication serving distributors and wholesalers of sanitary supplies with complete coverage in the United States and Canada
Sanitary Maintenance
Issue Preview: Reap the Benefits of our Coverage
The award-winning Sanitary Maintenance is the original publication serving distributors and wholesalers of sanitary supplies with complete coverage in the United States and Canada. We've been providing our readers with reliable, trusted information since 1943. When you advertise, you reap the benefits of our coverage. Consider, SM's readers sell $24 billion of cleaning products and equipment annually. They could be selling YOUR products next month after seeing your ad in this issue!

Find our April issue summary below.

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 April Sanitary Maintenance Issue Summary
Internet of Things
How far will the Internet of Things (IoT) go? The number of product categories compatible with Internet of Things continues to increase. This article examines distributors' roles with IoT product lines. However large or small this role turns out to be, we'll explain why IoT is a trend distributors can't ignore.
Two soap-related laws will soon affect the products that jan/san distributors sell. The FDA banned 19 ingredients found in anti-bacterial soap, including the most common ingredient - triclosan. In a separate Congressional act, soap products can no longer contain plastic microbeads. As a result, distributors need to adhere to deadlines specifying the dates they can no longer supply these products to customers. The article also provides examples of alternative products distributors can sell.

Vacuums: Battery Uprights
At ISSA/INTERCLEAN North America, manufacturers were showcasing the latest trend in vacuums: Battery uprights. As these new machines enter the market, this article addresses their advantages and the sales pitch distributor sales reps should make to clients.
Brooms, Brushes and Mops
Is Velcro on mops a thing of the past? Mop manufacturers are moving away from Velcro on mops in healthcare facilities because it gets dirty and doesn't come clean. This article addresses alternatives to Velcro, including magnets, pockets and fabric loops.
Cover Story:
Identifying and finding your ideal customer
Sales experts and distributors share what makes an "ideal customer" and how to convert others from average to ideal.
Strategic Sell Sales Column
Tina Serio writes about Quantifying Value.
In Every Issue:
  • Face of the Industry
  • Products
  • Case Study
  • Vendor Support
  • Freetime
Celendar Your ad space deadline is March 6.
Christy Peterson
Regional Sales Manager
Southern US & Canada
P: 414-228-7701, ext. 488