
The Numbers Behind Sustainability — Webcast Sponsorship Opportunity

Tap into an eager and qualified crowd via a sponsorship of's July Webcast, The Numbers Behind Sustainability.

The presenter of The Numbers Behind Sustainability webcast, Stephen P. Ashkin, is sure to draw a large audience. He founded the Green Cleaning Network, and is the president of The Ashkin Group, LLC. Ashkin has 25 years in the cleaning industry and has become the leading figure in the green cleaning movement.

Ashkin is the perfect person to lead this webcast analyzing research on sustainability measuring, tracking and reporting, and much more.

Great sponsorship packages are still available

What You Get From Sponsoring

When you sponsor this webcast you get one of the best lists you'll ever acquire of qualified, pointed leads of 200-300 commercial cleaning executives all VERY interested in sustainability in the cleaning industry. Just a sample of those who have signed up for our past webcasts include, VP of Sustainability-Nichols; General Manager-Aramark; Director of Environmental Services-Grand River Hospital. There are literally hundreds more available to you when you sponsor this webcast!

But there's more. Not only does sponsoring the webcast grant you access to all of the attendee names and emails, you also get incredible brand exposure with your name, logo and link included in more than 150,000 emails sent to promote the webcast, valuable market intelligence via asking participants a question during the webcast, and much, much more.

Best regards,

Christy Peterson
Regional Sales Manager, Southern US & Canada
414.228.7701 x 488
Trade Press Media Group