BSC Vacuum Selection Depends On Price, Facility Type
There are more vacuum options than ever, complicating the purchasing process for many building service contractors. With no one-size-fits-all solution available, BSCs must weigh many factors to select the best machine for the job.

Very often, cordless backpacks make the most sense and offer the potential for the greatest return on investment. Depending on the layout and size of a facility, however, a traditional corded upright may be needed.


TTI Floor Care
There are good reasons why so many contractors are switching from corded to cordless vacuums. In the right circumstances, pulling the plug can offer some very appealing benefits.

Among the key perks is an increase in productivity. A 12-inch upright vacuum can clean 2,230 square feet per hour, while a backpack with a 12-inch orifice carpet tool can clean 7,273 square feet per hour, according to "The Official ISSA 612 Cleaning Times & Tasks."
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