Time To Promote The IoT-Equipped Restroom

The future of smart restrooms has arrived, but jan/san distributors have so far been slow to embrace the technology, leaving behind a lucrative service offering that could skyrocket their value and relevance within the cleaning industry.

For the past several years, cleaning supply manufacturers have embarked on ambitious R&D initiatives to develop restroom devices connected to the Internet of Things, or IoT.


In the jan/san market, IoT-equipped soap and paper dispensers use smart sensors to monitor service life and consumable usage levels. The information is boosted over cellular networks to the cloud, where it is then deployed to janitors in the form of an SMS alert, allowing janitors to view restocking and refilling needs in real-time. The data collected from the devices allows distributors and end users to track usage trends over time, monitor foot traffic and even calculate ROI.
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