Battery Upright Vacuums Lead To Improved Productivity
There is a reason "cutting the cord" has become so popular in all manner of product categories. Being tethered to an outlet is restrictive, often inconvenient and even unproductive; realities that provided the motivation for Guy Robarge, director of innovation and process improvement for FBG Service Corporation, to consider giving battery-powered vacuums a try.


Hoover Commercial
Founded in 1960 and headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, FBG is a facility maintenance and service provider, offering a broad spectrum of services to four main markets: education, healthcare, manufacturing and commercial office space, says Robarge. Its roster also includes some retail clients such as malls, grocery and big-box stores. In addition to its Omaha site (which has a corporate and a district office) FBG has district offices in Colorado, Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois.
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