4 things to watch out for inside
4 Ways Using The Wrong Cleaning Product Can Damage Your Business
Whether you're choosing a cleaning product for your own facility, or you're a cleaning professional deciding on what product to use with your clients, it's one of the most critical decisions you can make. If your floors are sticky, dirty, or slippery, then it means your cleaning product is leaving behind too much residue. These issues are more than just cosmetic or minor annoyances, however. They can have a real, negative impact on a business. Here are four problems that can result from residue left behind by the wrong cleaning product:
1 Floors Look Dirty Faster
Residue attracts more than just feet to the floor. It also attracts dirt and other contaminants tracked in by shoes. Residue grips and holds the particulate matter carried through the air. Particulate matter consists of dust, dirt, soot, and smoke. Some particulates are visible to the naked eye, but some are too small to see. It’s the build-up of these particulates on the imperfections of a surface that lead to them looking dirty or off-color over time. Sticky floors accelerate the process by making it easier for these materials to attach. 
2 Bacterial Farm Growth
Sticky floors are also an ideal place for biofilms to grow. These bacteria-rich films can cause infections both acute and chronic. Biofilms can also produce and trap odors. They can also be very resistant to antimicrobial agents and disinfectants (1). 
3 Negative Business Perception
Whether a floor is actually clean or not, the perception of its cleanliness is key to those visiting a facility. It can affect how they feel while within a facility, and impact their overall feelings towards a company’s professionalism. If a healthcare facility looks dirty, it’ll be assumed to be unhygienic. Parents will be hesitant to have their kids attend schools that look dirty or unsanitary, and a customer will judge a store or restaurant by the cleanliness of their bathroom, floors, and other surfaces. In fact, research has shown that 14% of polled consumers would stop visiting a store that was not clean, and 29% would only continue visiting an unclean store if it was absolutely necessary (2).
4 Slippery Floors & Accidents
Slips, trips, and falls are a serious cause for concern for businesses. Slip and falls account for over 1 million visits to hospital emergency rooms in a year and are the primary cause for lost days from work (3). The residue left behind is caused by surfactants or soap. As anyone who has held a bar of soap in their wet hands knows, water + soap = slippery. This applies to the soapy film left behind over time as well. As soon as the surface gets wet, it becomes a slippery health hazard. 
Find Out How To Solve Your Residue Problem
Our FREE E-book Preventing Dirty, Sticky, Slippery Floors is available below. Find out what causes residue and what steps you can take to fix it. Click here or on the image below to get your copy.
Preventing Dirty Sticky Slippery Floors - Click here to get your copy - EnvirOx
EnvirOx, LLC.
1938 E Fairchild St, Danville, IL 61832
© 2018 EnvirOx, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
1. Donlan, R. M. (2002). Biofilms: Microbial Life on Surfaces. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 8(9), 881-890.
2. DiUlio, N. (2010). Keep It Clean.
QSRMagazine.Retreived from: www.qsrmagazine.com/food-safety/keep-it-clean
3. NFSI. (n.d.) Slip & Fall Quick Facts. Retrieved from: https://nfsi.org/nfsi-research/quick-facts/

Information courtesy of Envirox