When it comes to durability and sustainability, not all floor pads are created equal.
Sustainability is an increasingly important goal for companies all over the world, including 3M. With industry-leading performance and durability, 3M™ Floor Pads can help you meet your sustainability goals. Let's shed some light on the subject of 3M floor pad durability, biodegradability and sustainability.
The surest form of sustainability
Did you know that it takes 4X as many competitive pads to strip a floor efficiently, compared to a 3M brand stripping pad?* 3M floor pads need to be replaced less often, resulting in fewer pads in landfills.
Made in the USA.
And around the world.
The majority of 3M pads sold in the USA are also made in the USA, with an
exception of a few that are manufactured in Canada and France. 3M localizes supply chains, sources raw materials and makes products in plants closer to our customers to consume less energy.
Recycled meets durable.
Protecting the environment while
ensuring your floors get the best care is 3M's number one goal. That's why we start with at least 50% post-consumer recycled materials* and then add high performance, water-based latex resins to maximize pad durability and value.
Click the video below to see a demonstration of 3M floor pads being put to the test against the competition — being scrunched, soaked in stripper and then put to use with the 3M Floor Pad Demo Scratch Test.