
  • 15-minute live product presentation
  • Option to show a pre-recorded demo video instead
  • 5-minute Q&A with attendees
  • Archived on CleanLink for 3 months
  • Reporting: Full registrant and attendee list (includes emails)
  • You receive a post-event video of your presentation

2023 DemoCast Dates

  • March 14 - close Feb 14
  • May 10 - close April 12
  • June 28 - close June 1
  • September 13 - close Aug 16
  • October 18 - close Sept 20

How DemoCasts Work View Sample See Ad Specs


A proven content marketing vehicle which delivers great value. You get 30 minutes of live, undivided attention with potential customers to present your thought-leadership message in a webcast.

In addition to getting the FastCast benefits and the exclusive database of registrants, we put together the creative and get your message in front of this key audience. All FastCasts include a customized, dynamic marketing blitz which we develop and run to generate attendance for your FastCast. This high-impact digital marketing consists of e-Newsletter ads, various website ads and dedicated emails.

The marketing blitz exposure and leads/database alone have a value of $13,000. You will be hard pressed to find better ROI than this.

As a sponsor, you get:

  • Sole-sponsored, custom content—you choose your topic. We'll assist in copy review, slide generation and provide experience and expertise to assure a successful event.
  • You select speaker/presenter
  • Presentation is 30 minutes, prompting cleaning decision makers to continue the dialogue after the event.
  • Exclusive branding on promo emails during the two weeks prior to the webcast.
  • Promote to your prospect list (optional)
  • Your logo appears on screen throughout the presentation
  • You get the exclusive database of registrants and attendees—email address, name, title, company, city/state, phone
  • You get the FastCast to post on your website and use in your sales and marketing efforts.

See Ad Specs
Email Sample Slide Sample

Clean Talk Webcast

Position Yourself as a Though Leader - Be A Part Of Major Industry Trends

We identify the topics and trends cleaning professionals are most interested in and put on a free-to-attend, educational webcast. These events are high interest and have some of our best registration and attendance.

Sponsor Benefits

(Limited to 3 Sponsors.)

  • CleanLink provides Subject Matter Expert and presentation
  • Increase Your Brand Awareness: Your logo will be displayed on all marketing and event materials
  • Qualify Your Leads: Ability to ask 1 multiple choice question on registration page
  • Generate New Leads: Receive contact info, including name, postal address, email and phone, of all registrants

2023 Clean Talk Webcast Dates

  • April 6 - Technology: Software, Testing, and Verifying (Closes March 1)
  • August 10 - Redefining Sustainability in Today’s Cleaning Environment (Closes July 13)

See Ad Specs
Email Sample


Roundtables provide a forum for an interactive discussion on important industry topics. The one-hour program format features 2-4 subject matter experts discussing the topic without a formal PowerPoint presentation. You have the opportunity to be one of the panelists. The moderated discussion focuses on participation and questions from the audience to address key issues. Panelists and audience members use video to participate.

Sponsor Benefits

(Limit to 3 Sponsors)

  • Opportunity to provide one panelist presenter at the roundtable. Director of education reserves final approval of panelists.
  • Your logo displayed on all marketing and event materials.
  • Your logo included in a follow-up email plus you can include a PDF handout.
  • You receive attendee lead information including name, postal address, email and phone.

2023 Roundtable Dates

April 19 - Women in Cleaning (Closes March 22)

Join us for a highly engaging conversations that brings together different perspectives to discuss the ways women continue to shape and impact on the commercial cleaning industry. Designed to be insightful, interactive, and inspirational, our diverse panel will offer their thoughts on how to increase the visibility of women in the industry and share their strategies for success. It's a highly collaborative session — join the discussion, addressing fears and frustrations, as well as sharing wins and championing the increased presence and leadership of women in cleaning.

Dec 13 - Cleaning for Health and Wellness (Closes November 15)

The goal for any cleaning program is to make sure to provide a safe space for the tenants. As cleaning professionals, it is our goal to make sure we have cleaning protocols and policies in place to remove harmful germs and keep spaces clean. It is equally important to balance the product selection and usage to keep in mind the health of the cleaning employees. This interactive roundtable will bring experts together to discuss best practices for creating healthy spaces.

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