The SM Advantages:
SM August/September 2020
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The Most Requested Industry Publication


Distributor Owner/Executive subscribers

Multiple-Time Winner of American Inhouse Design Award

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The Best Read Magazine


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read their copy two or more times

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Our Readers Purchase Products


take purchasing action after seeing an ad in Sanitary Maintenance

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The Most Objective, Credible Content

Sanitary Maintenance was selected as having the highest editorial integrity:


Sanitary Maintenance


Maintenance Sales News

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Preferred by

Distributors cited Sanitary Maintenance as their preferred publication of choice


Sanitary Maintenance


Maintenance Sales News

Sanitary Maintenance Reaches Leading Jan/San Distributors, including:

Brady Industries — President  /  Brame Specialty Co. Inc. — Owner  /  Cavalier Inc. — Owner  /  Dalco — President  /  Daycon Products Co. Inc. — Vice President Sales, Chairman, CFO  /  Ebp Supply Solutions — President  /  Hercules & Hercules Inc. — President  /  Hill & Markes Inc. — VP of Purchasing  /  Hp Products — CEO  /  Imperial Bag & Paper — CEO  /  Massco — President  /  Nassco Inc. — Owner, President, CEO  /  Penn Jersey Paper Co. — President CEO  /  Philip Rosenau Co. — President  /  Royal Corp — Owner  /  S. Freedman & Sons Inc. — CEO  /  Sikes Paper Company — President  /  Waxie — President

Sanitary Maintenance is the only publication I receive, and it provides me valuable current product and procedural information which helps me to be of value to my customers and stay competitive in the local market I serve. ”

Monte Malouf, Owner

Sanitary Maintenance covers the industry trends well and I look through each edition cover-to-cover. Outside of the topics that Sanitary Maintenance covers, I would say that above all I am looking at the advertisements. I like to know who advertising is and what they are promoting.

Patrick Collins, General Manager, Coast Brothers

We look to SM as *THE* source for trends, industry news, "firsts", and trends. We rely almost solely on SM as our go-to source for information, be it in print or in the daily e-mail digests.”

Von Kaneshiro, Owner, Von Kenric Brushes

2023 Sanitary Maintenance Editorial Calendar

Special Coverage
Product Coverage

Special 80th Anniversary Coverage
Bonus Opportunity
January / February
Ad Close: 1/12/23
Materials Due: 1/19/23
2023 Sales Leaders Award Recognition
Floor Equipment & Robotics

Towel & Tissue
Remembering the 1940s
Trending Now: Improving Indoor Air (Advertorial)
Ad Close: 2/9/23
Materials Due: 2/16/23
Annual Buyer's Guide
Flashback to the 1950s
Advertisers receive listing upgrades
Ad Close: 3/13/23
Materials Due: 3/20/23
Anniversary Issue - Celebrating 80 Years in Jan/San
History of Jan/San

Flashback Photo Gallery
Eight Decades of Cleaning
Magazine Milestones and Legacy
Swinging back to the 1960s
Vintage Advertising Section — Then and Now
May / June
Ad Close: 5/10/23
Materials Due: 5/17/23
Distributor Choice Award Winners
Hand Hygiene

Private Label Products
Celebrating the 1970s
Wholesaler Profile

Ad Readership Study
July / August
Ad Close: 7/11/23
Materials Due: 7/18/23
Buying Group Membership
Ice Melt

Carpet Equipment
Showcasing the 1980s
Trending Now: UV and other Disinfecting Technologies (Advertorial)
Ad Close: 8/11/23
Materials Due: 8/18/23
Survey: End User Purchasing Trends

Batteries & Equipment Parts/Accessories
Rocking in the 1990s
Company Profile
Ad Close: 9/13/23
Materials Due: 9/20/23
ISSA Show Guide
Brooms, Brushes & Mops

Odor Control
Cleaning in the Millennium
Bonus Distribution At ISSA Show

Advertisers receive a FREE Product Release in the Nov/Dec ISSA Product Showcase
November / December
Ad Close: 10/11/23
Materials Due: 10/18/23
ISSA Product Showcase
Floor Care

Restroom Care
2010 and Beyond
 Trending Now: Distribution Software (Advertorial)

In Every Issue:


Gretchen Roufs shares how members of the industry spend their free time in this popular column

Case Study:

Manufacturers can submit examples of distributors finding success with their products

The Strategic Sell:

Learn sales trends and rep training techniques from two well-known jan/san sales experts

Face of the Industry:

A round-up of the latest industry mergers, personnel announcements, awards and more


A showcase of the latest product innovations

Sanitary Maintenance Mechanical Specs

Ad Sizes
Bleed Page
1 Page
2/3 Page
1/2 Page Island
1/2 Page Vertical
1/2 Page Horizontal
1/3 Page Square
1/3 Page Vertical
1/3 Page Horizontal
1/4 Page Vertical
1/6 Page Vertical
1/6 Page Horizontal

Mechanical Specifications:

Mechanical Notes:

Publication trim size: 7.875" x 10.75"
Bleed Page: 8.125" x 11"
Trims to 7.875" x 10.75"
Live Area: 7" x 10"
Note: Pertinent matter on bleed advertisement must be kept at least 0.5 inch from image edge. Bleed trim is 0.125 inch.

2 Page Spread Bleed

Bleed 16" x 11" Trim 15.75" x 10.75"
Note: Live matter must be kept 0.5 inch away from untrimmed edge and 0.25 inch away from each side of the gutter.

Trim variance is 1/8 inch
Line screen: 133
Output Resolution: 2540
Max Ink Density: 300%
4-color rotation (wet) is black, cyan, magenta, yellow
Printing: Web-offset
Binding: Perfect bound

Mechanical Requirements for Inserts:

Contact production manager for insert specifications (size, stock, binding, shipping). Sample of insert must be submitted to publisher for mechanical clearance and pricing.

Issuance and Closing Date

Mailing Date: 15th of month of issue
Closing Date: 5th of preceding month.
Cancellation Date: No cancellation after 5th of preceding month.

Sending Your Ad:

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For Questions:

Client Services
Production Director
414.228.7701 x561

Preferred File Types:

PDF/X-1a:2001 or TIFF (TIF) for: 4-color process (CMYK) ads.

EPS or DCS2 (Photoshop eps) for: 2-color (3 process colors) ads.

EPS or TIFF (TIF) for: Grayscale or B/W (Process Black) ads.

*Note: We are unable to process Microsoft Publisher files

Because your best presentation is important to us, we have written this 10 STEP GUIDE to help you obtain maximum quality prior to us submitting your ad to the printer.

  • All fonts must be embedded, converted to outline or rasterized. See non-supported fonts
  • Photos and artwork should be at least 300 dpi. Lineart (ie: logos) should be 1200 dpi bitmap or a Vector image. We cannot submit any photos or artwork, to the printer, with less than 266 dpi.
  • All color must be set up in either spot color or CMYK (process color). All RGB colors will be converted and will not appear in print as it did on-screen.
  • All black type must be black only, not Rich Black or Registration.
  • All color photos must be converted to CMYK with a total ink limit of 300%. Click here for the quickest way to alter ink density levels.
  • All black and white photos must be converted to grayscale with a 20-25% dot gain.
  • Documents should be set up to the correct final ad size.
  • Any bleeds need to be set at 0.125" on all sides — no printer's marks or slugs.
  • Transparencies must be flattened. Layer/effects, Flattener Presets must be set to "high resolution."
  • It is recommended to use the Adobe PDF preset: "PDF/X-1a:2001" when creating your PDF file. This setting is an industry standard for printing (please deselect all printer mark defaults and, if applicable, include the bleed here).

File Naming

Please consider these suggestions when naming your file:

  • Advertiser name, publication and issue.
  • Refrain from using special characters. Indicate revised submissions by including "v2", "r1", etc., in file name.

Color Typography:

For optimum reproduction and clear and sharp copy, use sans serif fonts such as Arial, Calibri, Helvetica, Myriad or similar for small type. Reverse type reproduces best with large bold sans serif fonts. The same is true for color type. Thin serif fonts are difficult to read in color or reverse type. It is recommended that four color type and/or small four color reverse knock-outs be avoided. Black type that uses four color blends should never be used (Registration not allowed).


Black & white lasers are acceptable for grayscale ads.

Trade Press Media Group, Inc. pre-flights all files to the best of our ability. If we spot potential problems we will attempt to correct them or alert you to them. A proof for any textual/graphic changes made in our Creative Services Department will be submitted back to you for final approval. Due to the complexities of files and varied design techniques, we cannot be responsible for catching all trapping issues, typos or postscript errors.